Monday, January 29, 2007

Welcome, Councilmember Motznik

It seems a bit tardy of me to post this now. But since every other political blogger in the city is baking pies and dropping off casserole dishes to welcome Pittsburgh City Councilmember Jim Motznik's new blog, Jim Motznik Speaks Out, to the local blogosphere, I guess I should extend a welcome of my own. It's really is nice to see a city official take to the internet and post their own perspective on things, and I'm sure that it will provide the rest of us with an endless stream of source material to draw from. I look forward to reading your posts, examining your explanations, and dissecting your inconsistencies.

I would also like to point out that if you click on the "Settings" tab at the top of the screen, that's where you can enable comments so that us members of the peasantry can respond to your posts.

Despite the absence of commenting, Mr. Motznik is to be commended for his blog. Even if he did have to go and use the exact same layout scheme as The Burgh Report; I predict some massive visual confusion between the two. Nevertheless, Mr. Motznik's effort is a damn sight better that the Peduto campaign blog, which was supposed to be at located here. For the first week or so of it's short life, it was only open to those who were "invited" to see it. And now it seems to have disappeared entirely.

So welcome, Councilmember. It promises to be interesting. From reading your initial post, it seems unlikely that you and I will see eye to eye on the upcoming election. But there may be points of convergence in our views that I would never find out about without having access to your blog, and I welcome the opportunity to discover them.

I would also like to invite you to check out the rest of the burghosphere every once and while. You seem to be obsessed with MacYapper at the moment, and I guess I can understand why. But you are going so far as to model your writing style on his, for example by referring to your readers as "MotzYappers". That's not only unseemly, but it also makes it seem like you haven't really encountered the rest of us. John McIntire may have gotten all of the attention last week, but I suspect that the more cogent criticisms of your preferred mayoral candidate lie elsewhere in the burghosphere.

UPDATE: According to a new post on Agent Ska's blog, The Ideas Bucket, the link to the Peduto campaign blog was not supposed to be active at the time when its URL got leaked to the rest of the burghosphere. They were just storing it there while they worked on its design and layout.

Whatever. They still got beaten to the internet by Jim Motznik, of all people, which hardly makes the campaign seem hip and cool.


Anonymous said...

'Welcome to my parlor' said the spider to the fly...

Anonymous said...

Admiral,you're right.Peduto got beat to the internet by Motznik..really inexcusable

Anonymous said...

But Matt H. beat them all!

(Sorry ... couldn't resist that one)

Bram Reichbaum said...

I doubt the Peduto site was ever supposed to be public. I think it was intended as an internal communications for Peduto's staff and volunteers. Not that there's anything wrong with that at all! But a public campaign blog would have been sweet.