Farewell, Concilmember Motznik
I have the sad duty to report that Pittsburgh City Councilmember Jim Motznik's blog, Jim Motznik Speaks Out, was deleted at some point this morning. I'm sure that all of you join with me in mourning its passing. In its very brief and frankly rather ineffective life, it gave so much to all of us. I for one will never look at a pair of sewer boots quite the same way again. I had, with so very much hope, looked forward to even more profanity-laced diatribes from this fine public servant. But alas, it was not to be. Those of us who knew "Jim Motznik
Strikes Speaks Out" will never forget it; the tall tales, the bogus innuendo, the outright lies, the four-letter words, and the high level of control from the mayor's office were all just part of what made it so memorable. Your blog may be gone, Mr. Motznik, but it will never be forgotten. In fact, I have a cached copy of it right here on my very own computer, just in case I ever want to reminise about the good times we had. Let me know if you want me to email it to you.
Farewell, Councilmember Motznik. You may have left the burghosphere. But we will never leave you.
UPDATE: If you click on the link to Mr. Motznik's blog, you will see that someone has taken the time to put both of his posts back up for public viewing. Once Mr. Motznik deleted his own effort, he also made the URL available again for anyone else to use. And now somebody has.
It might be nice to put the cached copy of the blog into a page on the Platform.For-Pgh.org/wiki.
You could do it yourself, or send it to me.
I can then lock the page.
An anonymous hero has resurrected the Motznik blog!
This is some fun. Luke publicly rebuked Motznik, and he took the blog down. And somebody is rubbing Motznik’s nose in it by resurrecting it. Impressive. I mean, it made the papers, and now it has become Motznik’s recurring nightmare. Maybe Colbert is behind this … (maybe I should be getting more sleep)
i posted on it just for the heck of it...it could become a parody site...
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